Saturday, November 4, 2017

21 Days of Prayer and Worship - Fall 2017

During our Fall 2017 Event, we have truly been blessed by several people who have shared God's Word. We wish to thank each and everyone who contributed. Within this blog are just some of those who helps to support our ministry to the truck drivers that come through Love's Truck Stop in Van, TX. 

Jim and Vicki Ferguson gave testimonies as to how God saved them during the April 29, 2017 tornado event that hit Fruitvale, TX.

They are truly a blessing as to what God can do "even within a storm." The link offers their story.

They have begun to rebuild thanks to so many in their community / church family and friends. Please continue to pray for all affected by this storm who may not have others to help.  

Others offered music and testimony as to what God is doing in their church and communities around the area. With all the trouble we see and hear nightly in the news and read in the paper, it was refreshing to know that God is in control and remains on His throne.

Although turnout was light, with respect to truck drivers during our event, those who did attend received prayer and blessings through each of us. We handed out more than 1-1/2 cases of Bibles (24/case) both in English and Spanish. In conjunction with several other churches in the area (collectively) we have given out lunch bags size units of food and other materials that can be used while they travel down our nation's highways. More than once we were told that "something just happen to their truck or allotted drive time ran out forcing them to stop just before we started our nightly service.

Everyone at CDLMinistries have received special blessings during these past 8-1/2 years of serving this community -- the forgotten drivers that do so much for our nation daily. We pray for their safety as they travel and that they find God in 
everything they do.

Cost of operations remain our concern, but God does provide. The tent we use was purchase by CDLM two years ago to reduce annual rental costs. With this purchase we have been able to save funds that allow us to buy more Bibles. We depend on those reading this blog and attending our services to help us meet the needs of our ministry. Please be in prayer as to how you can be involved in the future. Time is very short - Christ is about to return to retrieve His people and we need to be about doing His work to share His love. Help us do just that.

It is all about Him and not about Us!
Only through Christ can we do what we are doing here at CDLMinstries.


If you would like to know more about our ministry,
please contact us by email or phone.

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